Workers Compensations Form

As part of our continuing efforts to help protect our clients from the
devastating effects of Gravity Related Construction Accidents, and the
application of New York labor law 240/24 l, it is absolutely imperative
that you provide Tradesman with a copy of every Workers
Compensation accident as soon as it is reported. It is only with
immediate notification of a Workers Compensation incident that we can
begin deploying all of our resources to assemble a proactive defense in
the event an “Action Over” claim is presented at a later date.
As part of our labor law Mitigation Strategy, we will immediately send a
field investigator to complete a full on-site investigation under the
direction of defense counsel, who will already be involved in the
preparation of defense of the potential claim.
All of the action outlined above will occur before a claim is even made
against the General Liability policy and will be at no cost to you and will
not impact your loss experience unless and until a tender for defense
and indemnification is ever presented. However, we cannot initiate this
process without knowledge of the Workers Compensation incident,
therefore, immediate notification of any Workers’ Compensation
accident is essential in order to maximize the impact of this
precautionary strategy.

Workers Compensations Form

As part of our continuing efforts to help protect our clients from the devastating effects of Gravity Related Construction Accidents, and the application of New York labor law 240/24 l, it is absolutely imperative that you provide Tradesman with a copy of every Workers Compensation accident as soon as it is reported.

It is only with immediate notification of a Workers Compensation incident that we can begin deploying all of our resources to assemble a proactive defense in the event an “Action Over” claim is presented at a later date. As part of our labor law Mitigation Strategy, we will immediately send a field investigator to complete a full on-site investigation under the direction of defense counsel, who will already be involved in the preparation of defense of the potential claim.

All of the action outlined above will occur before a claim is even made against the General Liability policy and will be at no cost to you and will not impact your loss experience unless and until a tender for defense and indemnification is ever presented. However, we cannot initiate this process without knowledge of the Workers Compensation incident, therefore, immediate notification of any Workers’ Compensation accident is essential in order to maximize the impact of this precautionary strategy.